Friday, April 11, 2014

Last Minute Film

Hey everyone!

So, I decided that I'm gonna make a film this year. Time is against me, however, and that is a challenge I'm excited to take on. A week and a half till it's due, and I'm making a 1:30 film. Bring it on.

To show you that I'm not completely insane, here are some stills from what I have so far.

The story board and animatic are done already, the wonderful Joseph Barlak (who did the sound design for my last film, Night of the Living Bad Brains) will be doing sound design for this film, dialogue will be recorded saturday... I'm cheating a lot of the animation with the After Effects puppet tool, so this should be fairly doable.

Hope you enjoy the show!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Super Late Valentines Day Painting

Hey everyone!

So, I'm sorry, I've been away for some time. In my life, I've been busy doing storyboards, gettin' jobs, makin dat money... and taking a lot of Buzzfeed quizes. I've been busy.

Anywho, this weather reminded me of my beautiful girlfriend and I had made this painting for her for valentines day this year and it occured to me that I NEVER POSTED IT! I'm terrible, I know..

So this is my opportunity to share my love with you all.

We like to watch movies and cuddle n' stuff.

Anyway, I love you all. Hope you have a good week!

Enjoy the show!